just breezed through this article, Friedman's sounds like he has nailed it again. Be curious to see what you think.
Bica Cafe=Carbon Neutral
From my quick read, only when sustainable/renewable energy is scalable to carbon/petro will it make the quantum leap that it most certainly can. This, to all those fucking neo-cons, will require government intervention (i.e. higher taxes in fuel, incentives for alternative, ect.)
Just image if the mighty hand of capatalism could be wielded on developing alternative energy sources. That would radically change shit.
just breezed through this article, Friedman's sounds like he has nailed it again. Be curious to see what you think.
Bica Cafe=Carbon Neutral
From my quick read, only when sustainable/renewable energy is scalable to carbon/petro will it make the quantum leap that it most certainly can. This, to all those fucking neo-cons, will require government intervention (i.e. higher taxes in fuel, incentives for alternative, ect.)
Just image if the mighty hand of capatalism could be wielded on developing alternative energy sources. That would radically change shit.